Windows Forth for the MacIntel, sort of.
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Roelf Toxopeus
2006-09-01 09:30:41 UTC
A screenshot:

The just released CrossOver is used to run this Window Forth.
No need for a complete Windows installation like in Bootcamp
or the Parallels thing.

No idea if I can do useful things with this setup, though.
Will try some samples.

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Charles Turner
2006-09-02 12:34:21 UTC
Thanks for the screen shot Roelf-

Very interesting. It make me sad, however, that Apple is abandoning the
PowerPC chips...

Best, Charles
Roelf Toxopeus
2006-09-03 08:33:44 UTC
Post by Charles Turner
Very interesting. It make me sad, however, that Apple is abandoning the
PowerPC chips...
... well, G5 too hot for laptops? This MacBook is scorchingly hot. When
the fan goes on, it's like a Jumbo taking off. Imagine, right in a silent
part of your concert...

Have to keep the fan from starting up inside processing loops:
...work... hot? if chill then ...continue...

or having the temperature as an index in execution tables filled
with actions which, with the current temperature, will not exceed
the hotspot when executed.
I mean, this is crazy of course, must be missing something (an other
machine obviously :-).

Anyway, never thought I had to learn '386 assembler. These Windows
Forth systems like SwiftForth and MPE's VFX, which also runs fine under
CrossOver, can help me here.

(I want my registers back! ;-)
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
Charles Turner
2006-09-04 12:40:44 UTC
Post by Roelf Toxopeus
... well, G5 too hot for laptops? This MacBook is scorchingly hot. When
the fan goes on, it's like a Jumbo taking off. Imagine, right in a silent
part of your concert...
You know, I always blamed the heat of my iBook on my not having air
conditioning in the Summer. When the fan comes on, I know it's time to
mop the sweat from my forehead...
Post by Roelf Toxopeus
Anyway, never thought I had to learn '386 assembler. These Windows
Forth systems like SwiftForth and MPE's VFX, which also runs fine under
CrossOver, can help me here.
No iForth?
Post by Roelf Toxopeus
(I want my registers back! ;-)

Best, Charles
Roelf Toxopeus
2006-09-04 14:56:12 UTC
Post by Charles Turner
Post by Roelf Toxopeus
Anyway, never thought I had to learn '386 assembler. These Windows
Forth systems like SwiftForth and MPE's VFX, which also runs fine under
CrossOver, can help me here.
No iForth?
not tried to get a copy, don't want to waste Marcel's time.

besides, enough is enough, not going to get too serious about running
Windows Forth systems or whatever Windows related stuff on my Mac :-)

Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
Don Seglio
2006-10-28 22:22:22 UTC
Post by Roelf Toxopeus
Post by Charles Turner
Post by Roelf Toxopeus
Anyway, never thought I had to learn '386 assembler. These Windows
Forth systems like SwiftForth and MPE's VFX, which also runs fine under
CrossOver, can help me here.
No iForth?
not tried to get a copy, don't want to waste Marcel's time.
besides, enough is enough, not going to get too serious about running
Windows Forth systems or whatever Windows related stuff on my Mac :-)
Besides if he would have tried it he will find that it runs fine under
Wine, and it cost NADA.

Personally I'm trying to get as far away from Windows as I can. All my
Intel PC's have Ubuntu Linux and my Mac's OS X. and when I have time to
find out how to run OS X on an Intel PC even Ubuntu would be thinned out.

In the long run I think Apple made a mistake getting in bed with Intel,
their Dual Cores run incredibly hot, even Microsoft is turning to the
Power PC technology for their new game boxes because of their incredible
processing power. Is it ego that made Apple not use those chips?
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"Sacred Cows make the best Hamburger!" Don Seglio Batuna
2006-11-04 11:26:16 UTC
Post by Don Seglio
In the long run I think Apple made a mistake getting in bed with Intel,
their Dual Cores run incredibly hot, even Microsoft is turning to the
Power PC technology for their new game boxes because of their incredible
processing power. Is it ego that made Apple not use those chips?
I've heard a rumor that Apple will eventually return to a chip with
lots of registers. They are waiting for the heat issue to be resolved.
So the Intel thing is temporary. But that's just a rumor...

Doug Hoffman
Mike Hore
2006-11-07 07:35:10 UTC
Post by d***@talkamerica.net
Post by Don Seglio
In the long run I think Apple made a mistake getting in bed with Intel,
their Dual Cores run incredibly hot, even Microsoft is turning to the
Power PC technology for their new game boxes because of their incredible
processing power. Is it ego that made Apple not use those chips?
I've heard a rumor that Apple will eventually return to a chip with
lots of registers. They are waiting for the heat issue to be resolved.
So the Intel thing is temporary. But that's just a rumor...
Doug Hoffman
I don't mind hearing that sort of rumor!!!

-- Mike.
(Who's posting this from Ubuntu Linux on a PowerPC Mac, and will never
buy an Intel one)
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