Roelf Toxopeus
2007-06-14 11:01:32 UTC
Are they moving Carbon out?
I had an inclination about this already looking at the new Quicktime,
Core 'this and that' frameworks, which are written in Obj-C and thus
Cocoa. Some have an interface, so you can access them from outside
Cocoa, others not. You'll have to use Quicktime (sic).
Also Core Audio has new functions and warnings things will be deprecated.
The current Carbon API references are loaded with deprecate warnings.
I know we can run Cocoa stuff from MacForth and PowerMops. But I'm
more thinking about possible MacIntel native versions of these Forths.
Putting all the effort in the PPC -> Intel compiler/dis-/assembler/endian
stuff while staying Carbon is great but IMHO a waste of precious energy:
you'll have to convert to Cocoa someday.
For those planning this laudable task.
My suggestion would be to write a native, don't bother with portable C,
(non OO) Forth body:
native code, I/O independent, coop multitasking (prepared), call-,
callback-mechanism, (dis)assembler, facilities for snapshot, turnkey
and saving as shared library.
You can load your preferred (non)Standard and preferred OO on top
at will. Of course many other electives are available: editor, FFP,
whatever locals etc.
It runs at the lowest level, in the Terminal or full screen when logged
in as >console. It can exist with System framework alone: Mach kernel,
BSD etc.
From here on, you can include the necessary frameworks your app
needs: OpenGL, Core Audio, Quicktime, Cocoa windows and so forth.
Note, it's not necessary to move on to higher levels in the OS, using
ANS Forth or any OOF version. You can but you don't have to.
Apart from the restrictions set by the initial root Forth, you should be
free to use whatever you want.
The initial root Forth: certainly not a portable standard obeying Forth.
What then?
Time's up, cliffhanger:
Quoting Norbert Wiener: "The price of metaphor is eternal vigilance."
Follow up in part2.
regards, cheers en veel groeten
I had an inclination about this already looking at the new Quicktime,
Core 'this and that' frameworks, which are written in Obj-C and thus
Cocoa. Some have an interface, so you can access them from outside
Cocoa, others not. You'll have to use Quicktime (sic).
Also Core Audio has new functions and warnings things will be deprecated.
The current Carbon API references are loaded with deprecate warnings.
I know we can run Cocoa stuff from MacForth and PowerMops. But I'm
more thinking about possible MacIntel native versions of these Forths.
Putting all the effort in the PPC -> Intel compiler/dis-/assembler/endian
stuff while staying Carbon is great but IMHO a waste of precious energy:
you'll have to convert to Cocoa someday.
For those planning this laudable task.
My suggestion would be to write a native, don't bother with portable C,
(non OO) Forth body:
native code, I/O independent, coop multitasking (prepared), call-,
callback-mechanism, (dis)assembler, facilities for snapshot, turnkey
and saving as shared library.
You can load your preferred (non)Standard and preferred OO on top
at will. Of course many other electives are available: editor, FFP,
whatever locals etc.
It runs at the lowest level, in the Terminal or full screen when logged
in as >console. It can exist with System framework alone: Mach kernel,
BSD etc.
From here on, you can include the necessary frameworks your app
needs: OpenGL, Core Audio, Quicktime, Cocoa windows and so forth.
Note, it's not necessary to move on to higher levels in the OS, using
ANS Forth or any OOF version. You can but you don't have to.
Apart from the restrictions set by the initial root Forth, you should be
free to use whatever you want.
The initial root Forth: certainly not a portable standard obeying Forth.
What then?
Time's up, cliffhanger:
Quoting Norbert Wiener: "The price of metaphor is eternal vigilance."
Follow up in part2.
regards, cheers en veel groeten